Back in the pandemic some of us had an occasional zoom seminar in which we shared new findings in canine scholarship. I’ve decided I miss our little gatherings and am restarting the International Canine Science Seminar in fall. It will be every Weds in Sept, Oct and Nov at 9:00 am Mountain Standard Time. Presently that is: CA 9:00 am; NY, Chile Noon; Western Europe 18:00; Eastern Europe 19:00. Clocks don’t change in AZ, so these times will become an hour earlier at some point in fall.
Speakers will be invited to present for no more than 40 mins to ensure plenty of time for discussion.
If you would like to join us please email me at for more details.
Clive D. L. Wynne, PhD, FLS,
Professor, Department of Psychology,
Director, Canine Science Collaboratory,
Arizona State University